• What questions do you have about your internship?
  • I don't have any real questions right now.
  • What connections can you make between this internship and what you've done in school?
  • Some connections I can make is that the work group is like a group of friends hanging out.
  • Has anything happened that's worth telling us about? Funny stories?
  • So my mentor shooter had me making a cast on him for practice and we went down to the exchange while the cast dried and the cashier asked how his day was and he said it would be ok except i broke my arm and the cashier girl was oh no how did you do that and shooter says well i was fighting to protect my girlfriend against five guys and i karate chopped one in the neck and broke my arm and the cashier was like thats so sweet and we left without telling her we were joking.
  • What have you learned about your organization's mission and purpose?
  • To help people fix their bones
  • What new skills are you developing (or will you need to develop) for this internship?'
  • cast making and cutting

  • What strikes you most about your workplace?

What strikes me is how the other corpsman make a lot of jokes all the  time.
  • What strikes you most about your colleagues? (remember this is a publicly visible blog)

What strikes about them is there sense of humor and attitudes
  • What strikes you most about the job you're doing?

What they have to go through every day
  • What are you excited about? 

I am most excited about this whole internship
  • What are you worried about?

I am not very worried about anything yet
I am waiting on my mentor to email her answers because she had asked me to email them to her.